Notice & Agenda Research Committee Meeting April 16, 2018
Posted on 4/4/2017
Research Committee Meeting Notice
Sent and posted April 4, 2018
Via Teleconference Call DATE: Monday, April 16, 2018 TIME: 03:00 P.M. ACCESS NUMBER: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) PASSCODE/ Meeting ID: 466 870 1284 Or Join with the link: LOCATION: 1240 Commerce Ave. Suite A Woodland, CA 95776 AGENDA
I. Call to order Chairman Ron Rubin
II. Roll call
III. Approve agenda
IV. Financial Resources - FY 18/19 Budget Outlook
V. Funding Recommendations
VI. Future Challenges Funding UC Research - Recommendations
VII. Adjourn
All agenda items are subject to discussion and possible action. All interested parties are invited to attend the meeting. Time will be allowed for members of the public to make comments on each agenda item (up to 2 minutes). To make a request for more information, or to make a request regarding a disability-related modification or accommodations for the meeting, please contact Crystal Sandoval at 530-661-1292, or 1240 Commerce Ave., Ste. A Woodland, CA 95776, or via email at [email protected] Requests for disability-related modification or accommodation for the meeting should be made at least 48 hours prior to the meeting time. This notice and agenda are available on the Internet at