Notice and Agenda for CWC Research Committee meeting March 26, 2014
Posted on 3/12/2014
Wednesday, March 26, 2014 at 3:00 pm VIA TELECONFERENCE Access Number Participant: 1-800-377-8846 Participant Passcode: 59148433#
I. Call to order - Chairman Ron Rubin
II. Roll call
III.Approve agenda
IV. Approve minutes from October 10, 2013 meeting
V. Update on ANR/UCCE positions
VI. FY14/15 Research priorities and funding recommendations
V11. Adjourn
All agenda items are subject to discussion and possible action. For more information, or to make a request regarding a disability-related accommodation for the meeting, please contact Cymantha Fredrickson at the Commission office at 530-661-1292 or [email protected]. Requests for disability related modification or accommodation for the meeting should be made at least 48 hours prior to the meeting time. This notice and agenda is available on the Internet at
1240 Commerce Avenue, Suite A, Woodland, CA 95776 530-661-1292 / 530-661-1332 fax