Notice and Agenda for December 12, 2012 Commission Board Meeting
Posted on 11/30/2012
Doubletree Hotel 2001 Point West Way Sacramento, CA 95815 Thursday, December 12, 2012 12:30 - 4:00 PM
I. Opening Business A. Call to Order B. Roll Call C. Introduction of Guests D. Approval of Agenda E. Approval of August 29, 2012 Meeting Minutes
II. Reports A. Commissioner Reports - 12/13 Crop Outlook B. Meetings / Events 1. Collaborator Meeting Windh 2. USW Fall Board Meeting Motter / Freese 3. North Asia Marketing Conference Hunn 4. USW Winter Board Meeting Motter • USW budget challenges C. Staff Reports
III. Research A. Research Committee Report B. 2012 Forage & Grain Conference
IV. Administrative and Financial A. Income/Expense Report and Cash Flow Statement B. FY 12/13 Budget C. Handler Audit Report D. Recommend Reappointment, At- Large Members/Alternates E. Referendum Update F. By-Laws / Policy / Procedures Review
V. Closed Session Closed session pursuant to California Government Code 11126(a) regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation of performance, or dismissal of an employee.
Closed Session, if necessary, regarding pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e).
Return to open session and announce action taken in closed session, if any.
VI. CAWG Report
VII. Set Next Meeting Date
VIII. Adjournment
All agenda items are subject to discussion and possible action. For more information, or to make a request regarding a disability-related accommodation for the meeting, please contact Cymantha Fredrickson at the Commission office at 530-661-1292 or [email protected]. Requests for disability related modification or accommodation for the meeting should be made at least 48 hours prior to the meeting time. All meetings of the California Wheat Commission are open to the public and subject to the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act. All interested parties are invited and encouraged to attend the meeting. This notice and agenda is available on the Internet at