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CWC Handler Audit Committee Conference Call notice and agenda

Posted on 11/8/2011

November 18, 2011
10:00 a.m.

Access Number Participant: 1-800-377-8846
Participant Passcode:  59148433#

I. Call to order by Chairman Jim Parsons

II. Roll call

III. Approve Agenda

IV. Review of previous Handler Audit Policy (2006-2011)

V.  History of handler audits since 2006

VI. Discuss new Handler Audit policy going forward

VII.  Recommend Handler Audit Policy for Commission Review

VIII.  Adjourn

All agenda items are subject to discussion and possible action.  For more information, or to make a request regarding a disability-related accommodation for the meeting, please contact Cymantha Fredrickson at the Commission office at 530-661-1292 or [email protected].  Requests for disability related modification or accommodation for the meeting should be made at least 48 hours prior to the meeting time.